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Our Products: KnowledgePoint™

Providing software for performance review and management including Performance Now, Performance Impact Enterprise Edition and Performance Impact Workplace. KnowledgePoint provides a host of solutions for HR productivity.  In an era when businesses must better utilize technology and talent to succeed, KnowledgePoint has earned its position as the most trusted, innovative, and responsive provider of performance management solutions and services.

Performance Impact System
provides the most comprehensive framework available for building and retaining your workforce. Intuitive navigation walks managers through documenting performance, providing coaching and feedback, managing goals, writing performance reviews, and creating development plans. Available in two versions: Performance Impact Enterprise and Performance Impact Workplace.

Performance Impact Enterprise: Our best-selling Web-based solution. Eliminates geographic barriers to deployment; allows anytime, anywhere access. Offers strategic goal management, employee self reviews, multiple levels of security, review routing, built-in content customizer. Optional modules for HRIS integration, 360°-style multi-rater feedback, and industry-specific competency assessment.

Performance Impact Workplace: Intuitive and easy-to-use Windows-based performance management solution. Guides managers through every step of the performance management process, guaranteeing professional, effective results. Industry-specific competency modules are available.

Performance Now Enterprise Edition: has been upgraded to Performance Impact Workplace. For more information on how to upgrade, please call 561.483.6620 and ask for a KnowledgePoint sales representative.

Performance Now Standard: Consists of 18 self-paced, self-improvement programs designed to help managers improve their performance. The SkillBuilder Series is a companion to the CheckPoint 360° Competency Feedback System, offering managers the opportunity to develop the competencies that are most important to their professional growth and success. Available exclusively on the Internet.

Policies Now:
Write, publish and maintain highly customized, legally appropriate employment policy manuals that reflect your organization's culture and values. New version includes expanded word processing and formatting, plus eleven graphic styles and three language options (formal, informal, and plain English).

(Desktop version. For companies of all sizes).

Ultimate Employer: Everything you need to easily manage your workforce. Contains four of our best selling programs (People Manager, Performance Now, Descriptions Now, and Policies Now) so you can manage crucial personnel tasks and write meaningful employee reviews, effective job descriptions, and customized personnel policies.

(Desktop version. For small business).

People Manager: An HR expert-in-a-box, People Manager makes it easy to keep accurate personnel records and document actions like hiring, promotions, reviews or terminations. Also provides flexible options for tracking attendance and interfacing with your payroll service.

(Desktop version. For small business).

Descriptions Now:

A complete, customizable solution for creating and managing job descriptions across your organization.

(Desktop and network versions. For companies of all sizes).

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